Our Vision

High-quality medical technology for everyone in the world


Medical devices are becoming increasingly complex and even small repairs require specialist knowledge or specific spare parts. This often leads to medical technology, which was previously brought to hospitals all over the world at great idealistic commitment and financial expense, being left unused. In addition, these products are often bulky and heavy, which makes transport into and within the country considerably more difficult. As a result, rural regions are usually not supplied.

These are the considerations that motivate us at Prechtl TechSolutions to design medical devices that

  • are easily transportable

  • can withstand local conditions

  • can be repaired quickly and easily using spare parts available worldwide.

Many of our customers only have a limited budget. We respect this by running the production of the equipment as a low-profit project. All development, assembly and other labour costs are borne by us, only the purchased components are charged at cost.

Unfortunately, this way of thinking and proceeding does not allow us to accomplish the medical device certification process (MDD, MDR) required in Europe, as it would double the price of the products. We must therefore point out that it is not legally permissible to use our devices for medical purposes in the EU. When requesting a product, it is therefore necessary to check, on a case-specific basis for the individual country, which regulations apply for the use of our medical devices.

We believe that medical aid must not fail because of technology. What is needed is equipment that is appropriate for the respective environment and that reliably enables the necessary treatment. Worldwide.

EAGLE team with two FLAIR suitcases
FLAIR is here!
Donations from "A Heart for Children"