
Circular economy - Circular value creation


Circular value creation as an economic system that works restoratively and regeneratively is a central part of our company DNA.

Remanufacturing and maintenance

In the sense of remanufacturing, i.e. the reuse of instrument modules or components, we occasionally (and always in customer agreement) equip our microscopes with high-quality optical components that are not brand-new but "as good as new", which we buy on the second-hand market worldwide and can thus pass on at favourable prices. Of course, only after thorough quality control and, if necessary, refurbishing. This saves resources, including energy, CO emissions and a lot of money.

Another example is our LED lighting units, which maintain well-proven microscopes and slit lamps and enable them to be used further. The smart retrofit kits for easy conversion of incandescent or halogen lamp lighting to LEDs offer long-lasting, consistent and economical operation.

All our products are designed to be used over the long term. In general, they are maintenance-free and easy to repair in case of damage. Spare parts are available worldwide at reasonable prices and, of course, we also take our products back after use.