A FLAIR P7 microscope sets off on its journey

Its destination: the Ave Maria Mission near Source Yubu in the Western Equatoria Province of South Sudan. In addition to the recently inaugurated eye clinic in Nzara, the hope of around 300,000 people with eye diseases in the south-western region of South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic rests on this institution.

It was not easy at all to find a logistics company that would bring the valuable equipment there safely. No less arduous in the end is the repeated travelling from Europe to this fragile and remote region of Africa. Because together with the local ophthalmologist Ambroise Soungouza, a Spanish team of ophthalmologists is now and again taking care of the people in need in so-called eye camps and doing valuable work in eyecare. The P7 is their most important piece of equipment, which they not only use to perform operations themselves, but also to instruct and train local specialist staff using the co-observation system.

We therefore wish the project every success and look forward to hopefully many success stories.

Jakob Prechtl