Enormous relief for noma children by enoral distractor

To ensure a positive healing process of the often large-area flap grafts, distractors placed on the outside of the face are normally used for noma patients. The fixation is done by a length-adjustable device whose head pieces are anchored with two screws each in the upper and lower jaw.

The disadvantage of these external distractors is their exposed attachment to the side of the face. This is particularly annoying when sleeping, especially as the patients - mostly children - are very restricted in their movements during sleep anyway due to the often large back wounds.

In close cooperation with Dr Andreas Schmidt and Prof Carl-P. Cornelius (both: Interplast Germany e.V., Southern Bavaria Section) we developed a so-called enoral distractor, which is fixed under the lips with only one screw each in the upper and lower jaw bones. This distractor is much smaller, but fulfils the fixation function at least as well, if not better. Most importantly, there are no more protruding parts that are dangerous to hit, because the distractor is completely inside the oral cavity, which also has hygienic advantages. 

More at www.noma.de and www.interplast-germany.de

Recently operated child fitted with the new enoral distractor

Child with the bulky external distractor

Jakob Prechtl