Sight after 10 years of darkness

The start into life on 11 March 2010 was not an easy one for Lyodd Wangoro. Only 1360 grams body weight and bilateral congenital cataract are not good conditions for a promising future.

For the only son of the parish pastor and his wife from the rural village Baimuru in the Eastern Sepik Province in Papua New Guinea, the first stages of his life were a great challenge. However, his physical, mental and social development was uneventful, so despite his visual impairment he was enrolled in primary school at the age of 9, where he listened well and enjoyed his time at school.

The fate of Lyodd finally changed for the better on Friday, July 24, 2020. At the Goroka General Hospital in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, Dr. Waimbe Wahamu, an ophthalmologist who was hospitating there, inserted an artificial intraocular lens in his left eye.

And one day later it was the beginning of a new era for the boy. When the eye patch was removed, he rejoiced immensely at the first time he saw light and objects, and his joy was even more indescribable when he saw the face of his loving and caring mother. He shone like never before, his face glowing with hope. He thought it was as if he was coming out of a deep, bottomless dungeon of darkness.

Now he is free to share the joy of seeing and to reach his maximum potential.

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Jakob Prechtl