Winner of the German Standard Parts Award 2017: the portable microscope

It is with great pleasure that we receive the award for 1st place in the German Standard Parts Award 2017 at the Ganter booth during the fair Motek.

The award makes us proud and we are very happy about the recognition of our work and of course also about the unexpected money we want to invest directly:

We have an inquiry from an ophthalmologist from Papua New Guinea, who is actually the ideal target customer for our microscope. He is responsible for many patients in rural areas of his country and - because his patients do not have the money to come to the city for necessary operations - he does many so-called outreach operations. And because there are only a few roads in Papua New Guinea, he has to go there with a small plane, but he can only take very limited equipment with him. And here our portable operating microscope would be exactly the right thing.

Unfortunately his clinic has no money for this and he is dependent on donations. And so we would like to use the prize money to start financing a device for him.

Jakob Prechtl