Car battery saves Eye Camp in Alkena

The multi-power capability of the FLAIR microscope enabled a week-long eye operation camp to continue without delay after a blackout in Alkena, West Highlands Province in Papua New Guinea.

In the midst of the eye operations, the diesel generator, the only power source at the Alkena Community Health Post, had suddenly stopped working. The internal battery in the microscope could temporarily bridge the power failure, but it is not designed for the purpose of prolonged power supply.

The solution to the problem was nevertheless simple. Using the battery cable supplied as standard and a car battery - available almost everywhere - as a backup power source, the microscope could continue to operate without any restrictions. Operations continued and the waiting patients were safely cared for.

Patients in the waiting area

Elaborate Covid protective measures

No power, but rescue is arriving

Operations continue with the car battery on the ground

Jakob Prechtl