10 years specialist qualification of ENT-doctors in Rwanda

After the collapse of medical care as a result of the genocide in 1994, there was no further training opportunity for ENT specialists in Rwanda until 2009. From then on, Dr. Dirk Heinrich, a specialist for ear, nose and throat medicine in his own practice in Hamburg, together with Prof. Dr. Stefan Dazert from the ENT Clinic of the Ruhr University Bochum, developed an ENT further education concept in cooperation with the University of Rwanda in Kigali. The aim of the project should be to ensure high-quality continuing education and to increase the number of ENT specialists in Rwanda.

In this way, a "Master of Medicine Program (MMP)" was established, which is supported and accompanied by the German Professional Association of ENT specialists and promoted by the Rotary Club Bochum-Rechen. With the help of other German ENT physicians, it has now produced 14 specialists and 16 colleagues are currently undergoing further training. The program has thus proven itself and continues to exist.

In the medium and long term, the African colleagues are to carry out the MMP for ENT medicine independently and the German side is increasingly to take over the role of the partnership cooperation partner. Furthermore, it is planned to develop joint research projects and academic cooperation between the Rwandan and German universities.

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Jakob Prechtl