Second ophthalmological assignment at the Hôpital de Léo, Burkina Faso

Under the direction of Dr. Andrea Huth, the second ophthalmological Interplast operation was carried out at the Hôpital de Léo, Burkina Faso, from 30.11. to 14.12.2019.

In this operation, which was realized in cooperation between 'Interplast Germany e.V.' and 'Operieren in Afrika e.V.', 508 patients were examined and 53 cataract operations were performed. The large number of patients underlines the ophthalmological need in this region, which was confirmed by the chairman of the ophthalmologists in Burkina Faso as well as by the local clinic staff. The high value of this mission was also highlighted by interviews and a video report in the local media.

The portable surgical microscope purchased for the ophthalmologic pilot mission a year earlier has again served well and will continue to be used there.

Viele Wartende 20181202_084745-quer.jpg
Koffer wird gebracht 20181204_074535.jpg
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Nach der OP 20181206_074936.jpg
Jakob Prechtl